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This wiki was created by [Ultra Hunger] on December 20th, 2004 And then it was erased by [Ultra Hunger] and restarted clean slate on April 4th, 2007
2005-08-27 [Shatureel]: it sure was, mine was not that long, but i was tired, dealing with cops does that to you.
2005-08-27 [Undertow]: yeah, i've got a friend that spent the night in jail on tuesday b/c he had his dad's 02 mustang in the vacinity of an illegal street race, what's bad is he doesn't even race in that car either
2005-08-27 [Shatureel]: I would have loved it if it was just that, but it wasn't. stuff to do with home, cops came and everything, thought someone was going to die last night, glad no one did.
2005-08-27 [Undertow]: hmmm, that's not good....i don't think i want to go any father into the convo about it either b/c i've had some really messed up shit happen in my life and things like that tend to bring back bad memories and i usually get pissed about it
2005-08-27 [Shatureel]: yea know what you mean, don't really want to talk about it either.
2005-08-27 [Undertow]: yeah for me it's best if i don't b/c if i do i tend to go out and do stupid things like drink until i pass out
2005-08-27 [Shatureel]: not good, I drink, but I don't get piss ass drunk, i have issues about being in control.
2005-08-27 [Undertow]: yeah well i only drink that much when i'm pissed or don't feel like talking to anyone, music's my drug of choice though
2005-08-27 [Shatureel]: yea thats good, I like to mellow out with my music.
2005-08-27 [Undertow]: it depends on what i'm listening to what kind of mood i'm in generally
2005-08-27 [Shatureel]: I mustly listen to classical music, but i also listen to some other stuff.
2005-08-27 [Undertow]: yeah i listen to almost every kind of rock music...just not punk or emo (or thier sub genres)
2005-08-27 [Shatureel]: what is emo?
2005-08-27 [Undertow]: emotional...cr
2005-08-27 [Shatureel]: never listen to them, I've heard of papa roach, but can't say I really listen to him. I'm more into classical and the doors.
2005-08-27 [Undertow]: yeah i listen to the beatles, the rolling stones, the who, Tom petty and the heartbreakers, NIN (now considered classic rock some how), billy squier, and aerosmith on a regular basis...i listen to Tool, KMFDM, and manson everyday though
2005-08-28 [Shatureel]: I listen to Heart, Bonnie Taylor, love the rolling stones and the beatles of course. Listen to aerosmith and some others.
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: that's cool...i'm not real big on 80's hair metal but i do like def leppard...but i absolutely hate guns 'n roses
2005-08-28 [Shatureel]: I like alot of old stuff, cause my folks always played it around the house.
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: yeah same here
2005-08-28 [Shatureel]: yea, my love for classical comes from my dad, when he was alive he use to blast it through the house, I miss that.
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: yeah my musical side comes more form my mom my dad tends to listen to bands i really dont' like
2005-08-28 [Shatureel]: when i write, i put my headphones on and listen to my music, it makes me feel good and relaxed.
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: i've got a really nice stereos and my mom and step dad both know that i just wouldn't be me without music so i've got multiple really good stereos when i write though i usually try to relax and clear my mind
2005-08-28 [Shatureel]: I like the music in my head, it relaxes me.
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: lol, i have to listen to something first and then i get inspired to write a riff or modify a few together to make a cool one...soemtime
2005-08-28 [Shatureel]: not for me, its easy to write for me with the music bouncing around in my head. LOL
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: eh i usually just stick to bass and rythm guitar parts so it's a little harder
2005-08-28 [Shatureel]: well i listen to classical when writing, don't like the music with words, they mix me up.
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: i usually don't like music where the words are the main focus, i prefer the insturments take charge and the lyrics to just strengthen the overall sound
2005-08-28 [Shatureel]: yea me too. sorry its taking so long to respond, but chatting on IM with my friends
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: it's okay i had to go do some things too
2005-08-28 [Shatureel]: still chatting, I'm down to one friend.
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: lol, ok
2005-08-28 [Shatureel]: so what you up too
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: ...nothing
2005-08-28 [Shatureel]: I see,
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: yeah, i think i'm gonna go play a video game though so i prolly won't message very regularly
2005-08-28 [Shatureel]: its ok, still on IM
2005-08-28 [Shatureel]: have fun
2005-08-28 [Acidic Pornography]: I finally finished Harry Potter :D
2005-08-28 [Serena]: just finished it Acid? Wow
2005-08-28 [Amalaswinta]: ehm,for those interested: I added a banner ^_^
2005-08-28 [iCh3wi]: Coolness. Hey Shatureel, Acidic, Amal, Serenity, and Jared. God I hope I mentioned everyone.
2005-08-28 [Serena]: hello hello
2005-08-28 [Homewrecker]: you didnt say me *starts to cry*
2005-08-28 [iCh3wi]: Thats because I said that last night dub ass
2005-08-28 [Homewrecker]: oh hehehe
2005-08-28 [iCh3wi]: Lol, I think last night u and Ariel were not online.
2005-08-28 [Homewrecker]: i know we were to busy makin out
2005-08-28 [iCh3wi]: Lol, wouldn't be the first time.
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: ........yeah..
2005-08-28 [Homewrecker]: does that turn u on lol
2005-08-28 [iCh3wi]: I think it does, why else would he want to change it so quickly?
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: .....it depends on what day it is wether or not it does.
2005-08-28 [iCh3wi]: Or you just love hearing about bisexual stuff.
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: nah, i've got a fairly open mind about some things...the way i see things liek that is it's thier choice..it's a w/e thing
2005-08-28 [iCh3wi]: Uh huh...........
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: in otherwords..i don't really care
2005-08-28 [iCh3wi]: And in other words.......I want an apple.
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: ...ummm okay then
2005-08-28 [iCh3wi]: Yup, it is ok. Thats my "Goth" sentence of the day. I'll have more when I leave Purgatory.
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: ......alrighty then
2005-08-28 [iCh3wi]: Yeah, alrighty then.
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: wow..there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to talk about
2005-08-28 [Viperess]: Hello all, how is everybody doing today
2005-08-28 [Homewrecker]: I have a condo in purgatory
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: pretty good...our resident morbid weirdo's are just being themselves
2005-08-28 [Viperess]: Nice to hear that all the kiddies are getting along. LOL
2005-08-28 [Homewrecker]: i thank thee for the compliment
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: lol, yeah at the moment
2005-08-28 [Homewrecker]: its just so rare i must teasure it
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: ...what the complement or the fact we aren't tring to piss eachother off?
2005-08-28 [Homewrecker]: both lol
2005-08-28 [Viperess]: You are most welcomed. Do you mean that truely or sarcastically?
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: who? mine wasn't supposed to be sarcastic
2005-08-28 [Viperess]: No not you, I was talking to [Homewrecker].
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: ahh okay
2005-08-28 [Homewrecker]: it really is rare for us not to be fighting
2005-08-28 [Viperess]: I was refering to her comment "its just so rare i must treasure it"
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: ..not really fights to me...i consider them more dissagreements
2005-08-28 [iCh3wi]: Omg just DROP IT! lolol, seesh. Hello Mirta and Jessi.
2005-08-28 [Viperess]: Feom what I have ready, it reads as though you guys hate the crap out of each other.
2005-08-28 [Homewrecker]: hmmmmmmmmm occasionsally we do
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: yeah at times i'd call it hatred..but most of the time it's just a general disliking when i truely hate people i talk to them as little as possible
2005-08-28 [iCh3wi]: Occasionally, more like 99.9% of our EP time is devoted to arguments on here. Oh yeah, in case you are wondering Mirta, Dusk (Jessi) is my sister.
2005-08-28 [Homewrecker]: then we arent that lucky enough for u to hate us
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: not really only around 40 or 50% of mine is spent arguing..the other is looking at random profiles and chatting with the people on my buddy list
2005-08-28 [iCh3wi]: Aww, I feel deprived.
2005-08-28 [Homewrecker]: same here i was on ur buddy list once.....now im not *sighs in relief*
2005-08-28 [iCh3wi]: Lol, I never was nor will i ever be.
2005-08-28 [Viperess]: I am on your buddy list [Undertow] and it has been ages since you talk to me. And thank you Richard for the banner, and yes I am aware that Jessi is your sister.
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: nope, not as long as i'm here atleast
2005-08-28 [Homewrecker]: then go die
2005-08-28 [iCh3wi]: You are welcome Mirta. Death.......so sweet.
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: i usually just wait for people to message me..no hard feelings [Viperess] and i ain't goin' no where
2005-08-28 [Homewrecker]: *snaps fingers* damn
2005-08-28 [Viperess]: Well since I am the elder here, I shall say, Please Behave children, play nice" On that note I shall say good-evening to all of you, and enjoy the rest of your day. Bye.
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: good night
2005-08-28 [iCh3wi]: *Ponders* Dr. Pepper.
2005-08-28 [Ultra Hunger]: its been 9 days so far woo hoo
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: what?
2005-08-28 [Shatureel]: Hiya all, whats up.
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: hello, not much here, yourself?
2005-08-28 [Shatureel]: not much, waiting for the hurricane to hit this area.
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: oh, yeah they were saying there was a 30ft wave that hit gulf port at one point
2005-08-28 [Shatureel]: yep there sure was, a lot of land under water now, its not good, the sky is black, but nothing is happing yet.
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: eeeh the proverbial calm before the storm...i like dead calms like that...good time for relaxation and self reflection
2005-08-28 [Homewrecker]: me too
2005-08-28 [Shatureel]: thats sounds good.
2005-08-28 [Homewrecker]: yep yep
2005-08-28 [Shatureel]: hiya [Homewrecker] you like storms too.
2005-08-28 [Homewrecker]: i liekm thunder storms the thunder and lightning is soothing
2005-08-28 [Shatureel]: girl i love the lighting, I sit in the florida room whenever it storms just to watch the show. LOL
2005-08-28 [Homewrecker]: i sit on my roof
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: i dont' like storms i liek the calm before them
2005-08-28 [Shatureel]: thats cool, but I don't have a roof i can sit on, live in complex on the first floor, no access to the roof, but that would be cool.
2005-08-28 [Undertow]: ooo 1st floor...onyl thing good about those is moving stuff in and out lol
2005-08-29 [Shatureel]: You aint kidding. LOL
2005-08-29 [Undertow]: lol yeah upstairs neighbors suck usually..if they tip toe it sounds liek they're comign though the ceiling
2005-08-29 [Shatureel]: you should here my neighbors, sounds like hundreds of ppl jumping up and down, the ceiling fan shakes everytime they walk. LOL
2005-08-29 [Undertow]: wow...the ones at my old apt just thudded when they walked
2005-08-29 [Homewrecker]: i love having a house!
2005-08-29 [Undertow]: as do i but houses cost alot more than apts. so when i move b4 the end of the year i'll have to get another apt
2005-08-29 [Homewrecker]: i used to live in a 2 person apartment with 5 pll
2005-08-29 [Undertow]: ....okay, i had a 1 bedroom apt in waco that i shared with 3 friends...and i was the only one that worked...trust me that sucked ass
2005-08-29 [Homewrecker]: damn u win
2005-08-29 [Undertow]: yeah..worst 3 months of my life...i won't ever have roomates again...well maybe one but they have to work
2005-08-29 [Shatureel]: I had a 3 bed room house once, not to long ago. miss that a whole lot.
2005-08-29 [Undertow]: yeah we live in a 4 bedroom house now..i dont' really like it though...the rooms are tiny
2005-08-29 [Shatureel]: this apartment I live in is tiny, I'll trade you. LOL
2005-08-29 [Undertow]: nah i'd like to live as far away from my dad as possible, plus i don't like florida's humidity
2005-08-29 [Shatureel]: whats wrong with it. I don't have a problem with it.
2005-08-29 [Undertow]: ......it makes it feel like it's hotter than satan's nuts in a sauna
2005-08-29 [Shatureel]: so you been under satan's nuts, boy I don't even you. LOL
2005-08-29 [Undertow]: lol nah it's just an analogy that a friend of mine made up and i felt like it fit....i could have also said it's hotter than a meixcan whorehouse with no A-C and $5 quickies
2005-08-29 [Shatureel]: I know what it is, i was joking.
2005-08-29 [Undertow]: okie dokie
2005-08-29 [Shatureel]: you tend to do that alot, assume that I don't know what you're saying.
2005-08-29 [Undertow]: yeah..well most people don' understand what i say completely..es
2005-08-29 [Shatureel]: well I'm not one of those ppl, if I don't understand you, believe me I will let you know. So do me a favor and stop assume that I'm stupid, Ok.
2005-08-29 [Undertow]: i'm not assuming your stupid, never did
2005-08-29 [Shatureel]: the way you talk to me, tells me differently. You kind of talk down to me, as you would talk to a child and I don't like that.
2005-08-29 [Undertow]: trust me i'm not, the only ones i talk down to are dusk and crowe b/c they do it to me
2005-08-29 [Shatureel]: Okay, if you say so.
2005-08-29 [Undertow]: i do say so, lol i just unfortunately come across as condescending alot
2005-08-29 [Shatureel]: yes you do.
2005-08-29 [Undertow]: sorry about that alot of it isn't mean to sound that way
2005-08-29 [Shatureel]: I'll keep that in mind for next time. Since you are sorry, I forgive you. LOL
2005-08-29 [Undertow]: ok
2005-08-29 [Shatureel]: so what else you up to these days, hows school going.
2005-08-29 [Shadowsoul]: *walks in rubbing my wrists* hey
2005-08-29 [Undertow]: schools going fine......shad
2005-08-29 [Shatureel]: Hiya
2005-08-29 [Shadowsoul]: my friends caught me and waxed my wrists. They had a couple of hair removal wax thingies and they caught me about 5 mins ago and waxed my wrists. They still cane *continues rubbing my wrist*
2005-08-29 [Undertow]: ow.....why the hell did they do that? *walks over to shadow and hugs her*
2005-08-29 [Shadowsoul]: i dunno *hugs back*
2005-08-29 [Undertow]: ...*mubles* some friends
2005-08-29 [Shatureel]: Not nice, did it hurt.
2005-08-29 [Shadowsoul]: yeah it really really really hurt
2005-08-29 [Shatureel]: Sorry to hear that, what where they thinking.
2005-08-29 [Homewrecker]: OMG DO U TALK DOWN TO US UNDERTOW??????
2005-08-29 [Homewrecker]: ..............
2005-08-29 [death how i long to embrace you]: hey no big font plz
2005-08-29 [Homewrecker]: yeah richard! *runs and hides form richards fury*
2005-08-29 [iCh3wi]: Sorry, but this is enough.
2005-08-29 [iCh3wi]: Fine, its in Bold.
2005-08-29 [Homewrecker]: ok then....
2005-08-29 [death how i long to embrace you]: ok can i ask what was going on then?
2005-08-29 [Homewrecker]: have u witnessed any of the *ahem* disagrements that take place here
2005-08-29 [iCh3wi]: More like the disagreements recently that have gotten ridiculously out of hand,
2005-08-29 [death how i long to embrace you]: yes i have been apart of them as well
2005-08-29 [Homewrecker]: oh i dotn remember....
2005-08-29 [iCh3wi]: Yup, he has been apart of them, lol.
2005-08-29 [Homewrecker]: oh must have been before i started talking
2005-08-29 [death how i long to embrace you]: yes i do belive that me and crowe did dance through one of them
2005-08-29 [Homewrecker]: was that the one that took up like 25 pages
2005-08-29 [death how i long to embrace you]: i think so might have been
2005-08-29 [Homewrecker]: lol i read that one and thats when i started joining in
2005-08-29 [death how i long to embrace you]: ahhh so i see well thats cool it was pretty fun tho i just wonder who took that all seriopus cause i know that i didnt
2005-08-29 [iCh3wi]: I remeber that. It was all of like 28 pages and I brought Jessi and Cody into it and Death and I where dancing the whole time and it was.....bad...
2005-08-29 [Homewrecker]: hmmmmmmmmmmmm *shrugs*
2005-08-29 [death how i long to embrace you]: yes yes it was wasnt it and then i think that someone thought that i lived where you did i think well what ever the past is the past but it can be the future so what has everyone been up to
2005-08-29 [iCh3wi]: AP Biology. lolol
2005-08-29 [death how i long to embrace you]: ahhh how fun that must be just got out of school so yea
2005-08-29 [iCh3wi]: Oh, Dusk and I have been out of school for about an hour and a half aswell. We get out at 330 and its 440.
2005-08-29 [Shadowsoul]: do i really wanna know?
2005-08-29 [iCh3wi]: I ended and argument, thats all that needs said.
2005-08-29 [Shadowsoul]: it's about 40mins until i start school
2005-08-29 [iCh3wi]: Sounds.......e
2005-08-29 [Shadowsoul]: it's tuesday morning for me, remember
2005-08-29 [iCh3wi]: Yup I remember, you are the one who lives in Australia, although I can never remember if it is in Melborne or Queensland.
2005-08-29 [Shadowsoul]: Queensland
2005-08-29 [iCh3wi]: I knew it was one of the two. Lol. Have you visited Ayers Rock? Pretty dumb question to ask if you live in Austrailia, but I was wondering is all.
2005-08-29 [Shadowsoul]: no i haven't, It's 10 hours drive to the North west. I'm not that stupid
2005-08-29 [Undertow]: lol australias like twice the size of tx that would be like asking someone in houston if they've ever been to el paso....pretty much unlikely...oh hello everyone btw
2005-08-29 [Shadowsoul]: yeah
2005-08-29 [iCh3wi]: Well excuse me for asking a question.
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